Eva Knutz

Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...

Selected work
Curriculum Vitae
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Current Project:
From 2009 until 2012 I'm conducting a research (ph.d) at the Institute of Communication
Design, at Kolding School of Design, Denmark
The purpose of my research is to investigate - artistic as well as scientific - how narratives
and game design can be used as a method to gain information about the emotional life of
young children, during hospitalization.
This project is carried out in cooperation with Kolding School of Design/ School of Architecture
Aarhus, the Department of Pediatrics and the research unit at Kolding Hospital (Enheden for
Sundhedstjeneste Forskning).
See photos from the project here.
For more infomation on the project, see: http://www.re-ad.dk/

The ph.d project has recently been presented at:
- 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion (DE2010), Chicago Institute of Design,
US, October 2010.
- Speculations on the Cultural Organisation of Civility (Expert Meeting, organized by SKOR),
Culturele Ambassade Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2010
- Gaming and Gameness, Sandberg Gods Conference Center, Denmark, November 2010.


Previous Projects and Exhibitions (shortlisted)

Short movie presented in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, 2008
Part of the project Poetry on the Screen/ Poëzie op het Scherm.

Exhibition in galerie Varming,
Showing 23 drawings and strips.
Galerie Varming, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007

Exhibition in galerie Sign
Showing: "De Laatste Lach "( installation), "Persecutor, Victim, Rescuer"
(short animation) and "Claris Information- line" (see below)
Galerie Sign, Groningen, 2007

Its the Marswoman who is Brewing/ Det er mosekonen der Brygger
Installation based on two fairytales by H.C Andersen.
Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark 2004 - 05

Rooftile-animation "Splitscreen".
Animation with rooftiles as pixels,
shown during the exhibition Kunstvlaai 5, Amsterdam 2004

Het Vlek Drachten.
Public installation designed for the city of Drachten, 2003.
Exhibition One Clover and a Bee, Stichting VHDG.

Exhibition in artspace Rum46, Århus, Denmark 2002

Public installation, Foundation for Art and Public Space (SKOR) , Amsterdam 2002

Wheel of Fortune,
Public installation/ radioplay, exhibition SWOP, Arnhem, 2002

Computergame environment for children for musichall De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam, 2001

Historical events taking place 400 years ago, form the basis of a
surrealistic telephone-drama, Public installation exhibition Citysites, Amersfoort, 2000

78 minutes on Sherwood Drive.
A digital radioplay developed during The Future of the Small Screen',
the International Filmfestival Rotterdam, 2000

Claris Information-line.
Short animation, (Lifesaver -movie) for of the dutch television station VPRO, 2000.
(You need a shochwave plug-in to see this.)