Eva Knutz

Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...

Selected work
Curriculum Vitae
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Phoneline made for the city of Amersfoort.
400 years ago 7 members within one family were accused of witchcraft
and outlawed by the Church. This piece of local history forms the basis
of a multi-linear scenario; rewritten and condensed into a few minutes of
fast (soundbased) serial-drama

By dialing 0909-hxjacht (=0909 4952248) the public can follow the
characters through five timezones.
The story starts on nine different locations and ends up one location.
Depending on what people dial, the listener
will follow a certain groep of

The phonelines were open during the exhibition 'Citysites - a city in a digital
perspective', organized by De Zonnehof. Amersfoort 2000