Eva Knutz

Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...

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'Claris Information Line'

In Claris Information-line monotony, uniformity and the ability to act impersonal, which the new job of Claris
requires from her, leads to a mental breakdowm.
It's an ironical interactive work, about the great advantages of public services moving from analogue to digital.

Claris Information-line was original made for the dutch television station VPRO Digital in 2000, but has been
shown in many different settings since then.You need a shockwave plug-in to see it. Download this here)
The movie need a few seconds to upload.

In order to enter the world of Claris use the keyboard (quickly) before Claris colleagues shuts down the phone