- 'Het Vlek Drachten' ('vlek' = 'large village') explores the concept of local identity.
- It's a mobile installation set up at five different locations within the city of Drachten. It consist of two monitors,
- a computer, a writing-table, a letter-box and pre-printed cards with the two questions:
- What makes Drachten different ? ( than other cities)
How do you feel in Drachten?
- The inhabitants of Drachten can choose to fill in the cards, with text and drawings - or they can read what other
- people have filled in, before them. All reactions are collected day by day and made visible in the installation.
- All reactions are accepted, no matter how poor contributes they are, to the 'portret' of Drachten.
- During the exhibition a large amount of observations, different handwritings, peoples hopes and fears, serious
- or unserious comments and tales about the life in Drachten slowly 'filled up' the installation.
- Het vlek Drachten' toke place on 5 locations within the city of Drachten. It was part of the exhibition 'One Clover
- and A Bee' (2002-2003) organized by VHDG . After the exhibition our portret of the township Drachten was
- compleet in the form of a digital database. Here all reactions and observation from the installation are visible.
- This work is made in collaboration with graphic designer Gabrielle Marks.