Eva Knutz

Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...
Phonelines... Radioplays... Stick-animations... Digital tales... Unusual scenario's...

Selected work
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Installation for 'the Inkijk' - a small house and exhibitionspace
run by SKOR, Foundation for Art and Public Space.
The Inkijk is transformed into a jukebox that can be played by
passers-by from the street. The repertoire consist of 8 lovesongs
accompanied by 8 animations. Each song can be viewed separately.
If viewed in a specific order, the audience will follow a woman and a
man cought
up in a hilarious and bizar dance-scenario.
Made in collaboration with Gabrielle Marks.
From sunset to dawn. Amsterdam, February 2002