three onsite/ online performances by Isabelle Jenniches as part of the exhibition COMMITMENT by FBKVB in LAS PALMAS, Rotterdam
with Alfredo Fernandez, Angela Köhnlein, Wilma Windgassen, Anat Bendor, Thomas Körtvélyessy and 15Feet: Penina Schupper, Cor Kapaan, Maren Büsing, Hilke Zoontjens, Caroline Holst, Maik Gnass a.o.

Saturday May 04 2002, 15 - 17.00h

Saturday May 11 2002, 11 - 13.00h

Saturday May 18 2002, 19.30 - 21.30h

experience the last part of the performance onsite:
travel by watertaxi from LAS PALMAS* to the Botlek Traffic Center.

* LAS PALMAS: Wilhelminakade 66, Rotterdam
metro Erasmuslijn / tram 20 / stop Wilhelminaplein

Saturday May 04 2002

Saturday May 11 2002

Saturday May 18 2002

15.00h start performance
16.00h departure by watertaxi from LAS PALMAS
17.00h end performance
17.30h arrival back at LAS PALMAS

11.00h start performance
12.00h departure by watertaxi from LAS PALMAS
13.00h end performance
13.30h arrival back at LAS PALMAS

19.30h start performance
20.30h departure from LAS PALMAS
21.30h end performance
22.00h back at LAS PALMAS


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