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Beppie Blankert in Groningen dances with her absent partner, Caroline Dokter in Amsterdam (insert), whose video image is been transmitted live via the internet and projected onto a large screen. |
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
shtar emom eht dna | |
11:11 12:21 13:31 14:41 15:51 20:02 21:12 22:22 23:32 23:32 22:22 21:12 20:02 15:51 14:41 13:31 12:21 11:11 10:01 100110:011001 111111:111111 122112:211221 133113:311331 144114:411441 155115:511551 200220:022002 211221:122112 222222:222222 233223:322332 233223:322332 222222:222222 211221:122112 200220:022002 155115:511551 144114:411441 133113:311331 122112:211221 111111:111111 100110:011001 100110011001100110:011001100110011001 111111111111111111:111111111111111111 122112211221122112:211221122112211221 133113311331133113:311331133113311331 144114411441144114:411441144114411441 155115511551155115:511551155115511551 200220022002200220:022002200220022002 211221122112211221:122112211221122112 222222222222222222:222222222222222222 233223322332233223:322332233223322332 233223322332233223:322332233223322332 222222222222222222:222222222222222222 211221122112211221:122112211221122112 200220022002200220:022002200220022002 155115511551155115:511551155115511551 144114411441144114:411441144114411441 133113311331133113:311331133113311331 122112211221122112:211221122112211221 111111111111111111:111111111111111111 100110011001100110:011001100110011001 100110:011001 111111:111111 122112:211221 133113:311331 144114:411441 155115:511551 200220:022002 211221:122112 222222:222222 233223:322332 233223:322332 222222:222222 211221:122112 200220:022002 155115:511551 144114:411441 133113:311331 122112:211221 111111:111111 100110:011001 10:01 11:11 12:21 13:31 14:41 15:51 20:02 21:12 22:22 23:32 23:32 22:22 21:12 20:02 15:51 14:41 13:31 12:21 11:11 10:01 0
The public gathers loosely in front of a large screen that (like a huge window) opens up onto a seemingly empty space. Dancer Beppie Blankert is standing with her back towards the screen, moving slowly - absorbed in herself. Suddenly something flashes by on the projection behind her, a shy creature in gold and green - hides, then comes back - tiptoeing - curiosity and attraction taking over. | |
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